What is a Wine Dinner?

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A wine dinner is a unique culinary experience that focuses on the art of pairing food with wine. At Sage, we host a variety of specialty dinners, including Floral Arrangement Workshops, Chef’s Dinners, and Wine Dinners, each offering a distinct experience. However, let’s delve deeper into Wine Dinners and the format we follow at Sage.

A wine dinner places a strong emphasis on the wines themselves, often featuring selections that share a commonality, such as country or region of origin, a specific winemaker, grape varietal, or even award-winning status. The possibilities are endless, as long as there is a logical connection between the wines.

The chef’s role in a wine dinner is crucial. Unlike traditional dinners where the food dictates the wine, in a wine dinner, the wine selections dictate the menu. Chefs must understand the flavor profiles of each wine to either enhance those flavors or find ingredients that complement them. For example, an oaky wine might pair well with a dish featuring smoked elements, while a wine with hints of dark fruit might be complemented by the tartness of lemon.

Pairing food and wine goes beyond the basic “red with meat, white with fish” rule. It’s about understanding the complexity and depth of flavors in both food and wine to create unique dining experiences. At Sage, we often select wines that are not commonly found in grocery stores, offering our diners the opportunity to expand their knowledge and palate.

At Sage, our wine dinners are set with communal seating, featuring one long table where everyone dines together. This communal setting adds to the convivial atmosphere, allowing guests to interact and share their experiences throughout the meal.

We typically feature a 5-course meal, starting with a Cold Appetizer, followed by a Hot Appetizer, Light Entrée, Heavy Entrée, and Dessert. The savory courses gradually build in flavor and intensity. Occasionally, we offer two wines for a course, allowing diners to compare and contrast, enhancing their understanding of wine nuances.

After the meal, all featured wines are available for retail purchase at an exclusive price, either on hand or through order for pick up the following week. This provides diners with the opportunity to add to their personal wine collections.

It’s worth noting that at Sage, we do not publish the menu before the event, as we enjoy the element of surprise and cater to the most adventurous diners. This adds an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to the experience, making our wine dinners truly unforgettable. Wine dinners at Sage offer an educational and enriching experience for food and wine enthusiasts, providing a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between food and wine pairing.

For more information about our next Wine Dinner and how to sign up, follow the link to our Events page: