A Message from Chef Steven

Home » A Message from Chef Steven

February 29, 2024

In recent days, I’ve faced a barrage of opinions, some meaningful to me, others less so. Some voices belong to those who know me well, while others are strangers, unfamiliar with my restaurant. Filtering through these opinions is draining, to say the least.

Let me clarify: Sage isn’t closing. Instead, I’m shifting its focus to align more closely with my talents, passions, and current state of mind. When I embarked on this restaurant journey, my goal was simple: to share my food with those who appreciate it. I never intended to cater to the masses.

My most rewarding experiences have been as a private chef, where I had the freedom to create without constraints. I’ve delighted countless diners who trusted me to surprise them with my dishes.

Despite Sage’s success in its first year, I’ve realized that the daily grind and struggles of a traditional restaurant isn’t where my heart lies. The constant inquiries for private events reaffirm that my culinary style isn’t for everyone, and I’ve decided to embrace that.

I’ve chosen to return to my roots as a private chef, leveraging a commercial kitchen and event space to expand Blue Duck beyond its previous limits. While Sage will primarily focus on exclusive events, we’ll still offer wine and chef dinners, floral workshops, and occasional public service on a limited basis.

Sage has always been authentic, a quality I’ve fought to maintain despite doubts and criticisms. I’ve learned to stay true to myself and my beliefs, even in the face of skepticism.

To those who doubted me from the beginning, I respect your opinion, but I’ve always been willing to take risks for what I’m passionate about. Sage will continue, not as it was, but as an evolution of its authentic self.


Chef Steven Lash